dissabte, 23 de maig del 2015

Always with that feeling... ♡

Love isn't easy
How do you know if you are in love or if you aren't?

It's very very difficult, some people talk about butterflies, but we don't believe on them, maybe is not a good idea to be in love, we're not sure.
But what we certainly know is that if when you think about that person you smile, maybe you are in love, even if is just a little.

Some times people pretend to feel love, it's the most important, beautiful and powerful feeling, and people actually don't care.

And sometimes, people can absorb you in their lifes and you don't see it, you can't, you are in love, and one day, you wake up, and you don't know how, but that person is part of you, even though you've never wanted before.

dilluns, 4 de maig del 2015

Love feelings (2)

This is the 2nd part of our previous post:
Sometimes someone break your heart without any reason, simply it does. You think that you are nothing, the days go by and you have no desire to do anything, all the songs make you cry and you are very weak emotionally. But luckily you have someone by your side and tells you that this person was good enough for you and you deserve someone better.

Love feelings

We have thought that we could tell you how you feel when you are in love and how you feel when you break up, it's special for young people and love can be magic or tragic, so we actually hope you will like it!
1st part:
Love is magic, that butterflies in your stomach, that kind of feelings when you kiss someone... it is something that definetly you can't avoid and it makes you do things that you would never do before. Maybe they aren't good things but you don't care, you are in love and you just want to be with that person that you really love the most of the time you can.


Do you follow the fashion? If you don't, do you care that there are some people so interested or even fixed about that?
Sometimes people is influenced by popular stars or famous people.
Now some people wear -high trousers shot- we really love those trousers, they are more comfortable than the typical jeans. People is wearing short and wide shirts too and they are so nice, personally I really like them. So if you can do an outfit by those jeans and one short shirt, you will look beautiful.

divendres, 24 d’abril del 2015

What happens when you meet the love of your life after many years?

This is what happens...

We leave the link here:

Happiness. Easy ways to be happier.

For our fisrt post we want to give you five ideas to be happier:
1.- It's a good idea to do some sport. It makes you feel better with your body.
2.- You should be friendly with everyone.
3.- Say always what you are thinking.
4.- Remember good moments.
5.- And, what we think is the most important one, listen to some music.

*Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.
 It means that you've decieded to look beyond the imperfections.

dijous, 26 de març del 2015

Who are we?

Our names are Adriana & Mar, two students from Lestonnac school of Lleida, and we will post some things related to teenagers for an english project.